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  • A model to teach students to detect cows with endometritis and treat uterine infections.

    Students can identify at-risk cows at calving time and treat any uterine infections with antibiotics. Students can learn to identify at-risk and infected cows and treat them to increase reproductive and economic performance.

    Students should be able to recognise each body part of the cow through feel and diagnose endometritis with the detecting device. Anatomically correct uterine and horns, vaginal tract, cervix, vulva and rectum of the cow.

    The Metri-Treating Model is a standalone tabletop setup for easy classroom learning and transportation.

    The Metri-Treating Model packs down into separate components for easy compact travelling and set-up is just as easy. Silicone components and Holsim Sim Poo create a lifelike tactile experience for the user.


    This product was developed in conjunction with Agri-Health NZ. 

    Metri-Treating Model

    SKU: B400-000

    Anatomically Correct

    • Replicated the uterine and horns, vaginal tract, cervix, vulva and rectum of the cow.


    Standalone Rig

    • Easy table top rig for easy classroom learning and transportation.


    Packs Down

    • The Metri-Treating Model packs down into separate components for easy compact travelling and set up is just as easy.


    Realistic Feel

    • Silicone components and Holsim Sim Poo create a lifelike tactile experience for the user.
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